February Reflection
Over the holidays, I let my practice of reflection slide. In the joy of the seasons and the stress of more COVID-related decisions, it was much easier and more comforting to lose myself in books when I had a free moment, or to numb my brain on Instagram, than to dive into what I was feeling and why.
It wasn’t really my best decision, and, with the help of Emily P. Freeman and her monthly reflection questions, I’m going to try to pull myself back in the habit of intentionally reflecting, both here and in my journal. It’s good for me, and it might be good for you too.
Here are this month’s questions.
Name a moment of gladness in January.
Snow days! Does a whole day count as a moment? I have always loved snow days, and even now, when we do distance learning on snow days and they don’t have the true freedom they used to be, they are still so sweet. I sat on the couch beside my son, both of us on our computers, and the world was white and soft outside the window. He talked through his processes for answering each question in the packet his teacher sent, while I put together student project resources, and I got to hear each moment of his interest and wonder while I worked. Last year, when there was so much distance learning, it was sometimes hard to see the fun in this kind of day. I’m really glad the joy in being together and in the snow outside didn’t really fade.
My daughter took an online cake decorating class, and I was her assistant. So much fun.
What’s one thing you’ve learned so far this year?
One thing I’ve learned this year is that learning still delights me. I have a couple of creative projects that are ongoing, and I’ve been watching videos and taking courses to help me grow in things that capture my interest. Just the process of diving into things that are delightful and fun and that stretch my existing abilities is exciting. I love learning creative new things.
What’s one question you’re carrying into February?
One question I’m carrying into February is what if I can do more than I thought, and love doing it? I’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately, and I’ve been bowing under the weight of my to-do lists and the hurried pace that I’ve tried to slow, but these creative projects are inspiring and energizing to me. What if I am more powerful than I thought, more capable? What if my focus is what really needs to shift?
“What if…” It’s a pretty good question to lead me back into reflective practice. I’m looking forward to following this question, and this practice, into the month ahead.