Thursday Reflection
This week has been so busy. While I’m really working on slowing my life, there are some weeks where I can’t figure out what to eliminate. I’ve loved this week and the things that have enriched it, but I have missed the margin to fill with books and games and walks and rest.
As I near weekend, I want to make sure that I don’t just crash into it like a hurricane and come out still shaken. I want to slow down again and think about things that are saving my life. I wrote about this idea here, and it’s one worth reexamining every now and then to help me center myself and remember how I want my life to feel. So here, in no particular order, are five things that are pulling me together and bringing me home.
My sister’s birthday. It’s sweet to celebrate someone you love so much, and to stop in the middle of a busy week to laugh together. Joe once told me that he wished I thought he was as funny as I think my sister is. We are almost never together without hysterical laughter.
The yellow leaves scattering across my back yard, and the ones still clinging to the trees. I love living in a place where we have seasons, and I love the very word October. It sounds so rich and warm and full.
The public library. Two much-anticipated books are coming just in time for fall break, and I am so grateful for curbside pickup!
Halloween decorations. I don’t know how many years we have put up window clings and zany banners. Halloween was not my favorite holiday, but my kids and their love for decorating have totally redeemed it.
Instagram. It sounds weird even to me, because I’m not a brilliant photographer, and social media can be uncomfortable and disheartening. But I almost never get on Instagram without seeing something beautiful, positive, or uplifting, and I look forward to my scroll.
Even typing this list makes me feel less rushed as I get back up to tackle the laundry. I’m trying to remember that busyness is not bad, as long as I can hang on to these moments and not let the rush stampede over my state of mind.
On Thursdays, I share writing at SOS: Magic in a Blog. Feel free to join me!