What’s Saving My Life
Water views from last summer’s list.
I’ve heard the question credited to Barbara Brown Taylor via Jen Hatmaker, seen Emily P. Freeman reflect on it, and this week Kendra Adachi, the Lazy Genius herself, answered it on her podcast. It is a powerful question, and one I’ve thought about for years at this point:
What is saving your life right now?
It’s the time of year when I run smack into the brick wall of seasonal transition--new routines, new schedules, less sleep, and, this year, new conflicts and worries to consider. It seems like a good time to stop and take a moment to reflect on the things that are helping me remember who I am and that even when everything changes, my life is still the place I choose and where I want to be.
Here are some of the things saving my life right now.
Novels. I love nonfiction as much as the next person, but when my husband walked in the door today with a bag of five novels I’d reserved at the public library, I was almost giddy. I’ll probably get less sleep, but it’s hard to care when facing this pile of pure joy wrapped in crinkly plastic. I can’t wait for bedtime.
Cooking. Usually when it’s back-to-school time, I try to wheedle Chick-Fil-A or mid-week pizza just so I don’t have to stand in front of a stove. But my daughter got a new cookbook for her birthday, and tonight, she and Joe and I maneuvered around each other in the kitchen making breakfast tacos. I didn’t even put it off; we just hurried into the kitchen with the book and her sweet sense of adventure. The tacos were delicious, but the time together was even more precious.
Evening walks. We don’t walk far, but it’s when my daughter wants to talk about everything on her mind, and my son’s imagination runs wild, and there’s always lots of laughter.
Writing. My routine has changed drastically over the last week, but I’m hanging on to remnants and reminding myself that it’s okay to just get down words at first--write that awful draft and worry about the rest later.
Snickers ice cream bars. I had forgotten how delicious these icy bits of peanutty goodness are. Baking has definitely slipped to the back burner lately, but this fills my need for something sweet on these hot, late-summer nights. I’m so glad my kids don’t like them--more for me.
Animal Crossing. Honestly, I’m not sure how it’s all supposed to work, but my daughter loves playing, and I love playing with her. She keeps me on track, and it’s surprisingly addictive.
Texts and Voxers. They’re reminders in this transition that I’m anchored to something, and I am not adrift.
Hamilton. I knew I would like it, but I did not expect to be knocked over like this. After Joe and I finished watching it the weekend it came to Disney+, I started it all over and have kept it playing in a continuous loop. I can’t imagine I have anything to say about it that hasn’t been said, but I can’t stop watching it, and I hope I don’t have to.
Flair pens. So many colors! I keep a pen bag stocked with them, and my kids steal them to draw. I use them to give myself a little lift when taking notes or writing in my one-line-a-day journal. They are literal bright spots in the day.
Cheetos and Diet Coke. For years, these have been the Friday afternoon go-tos, my signal to my brain that it was finally the weekend. Anymore, I have to share the Cheetos with my son, but that’s fun too.
I feel happier just reviewing this list. What about you? What’s helping you stay centered and find joy?
What’s saving your life right now?
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