What’s Saving My Life Part Two
A farm view that’s always changing and always makes me happy.
I wrote one of these lists back in August, right around back-to-school time, when my quiet summer life jumped into hyperdrive. Over the past couple of weeks, I have found myself slowly assembling one again, as work picked up speed, a kid got strep throat, and my new nephew in the next state got bigger and bigger without our meeting him.
“What’s saving your life” lists almost always help me remember whimsy and lightness in my life, existing right beside the big things. If you’re stressed or stuck, making your own list might help you too.
Here’s what’s saving my life lately.
Purple nail polish--I keep my nails painted because I like the way it looks and because chipping and breaking my nails is a nervous habit I constantly do when my nails aren’t painted. I pulled a blue-purple off the shelf at Target and loved the way it looked on my nails. It was fun and a little bit funky, a little unusual, and made me smile. I loved it so much that my standard go-to, a bright pink, looks boring now.
Spring clothes and warm air--Is there anything like those first warm days of spring, when the air is clear and short sleeves feel so nice? April makes me happy with these days.
Good shoes--Am I just old now? Some of my favorite shoes do not hold up on concrete floors anymore, and I come home with feet and legs aching. Part of me is bugged by my desperate turn toward casual footwear--I really, really like shoes to fit with an outfit. But Vans and Birkenstocks have become some of my favorite shoes, and I I love the way they look and feel. I always was more of a jeans-and-t-shirt girl anyway.
New dishes--We updated our cabinets with new dishes and glasses, and it feels like a different kitchen. Everything we cook looks fresh and pretty. I love simple updates that change the attitude of a place.
Sports on TV--Even though my favorite team didn’t make the tournament, I loved March Madness this year, maybe largely because of how it was cancelled last year. One of my favorite things is to have basketball on late at night, my husband at one end of the couch grumbling or cheering for the teams onscreen, while I drift off to sleep at the other end. It’s such a cozy feeling. This week, I’m sleeping through the college women’s volleyball tournament, as for some reason, my husband cannot turn it off. I love watching sports, but I love sleeping through them even more.
Journaling--I’ve kept a journal loosely since I was nine, and it’s been a daily routine for years now. Journaling is both a habit and a balm. It holds hurts, joys, and nonsense. The journal is one of the wheels on which my life rolls along. I’m glad it’s still rolling.
Cooking--I used to make up reasons for Joe to bring home Chick-Fil-A or pizza. The pandemic changed all that. The extra time at home gave me plenty of mental space to be creative and learn more. Some things were disasters, but others were delicious, and while I still love when Joe brings home takeout on a weekend, I am much more apt to plan my meals carefully with things I really want to make and really enjoy the process.
Prayer--Is it weird that I’m still learning to pray? For the past year or so, I’ve been learning to sit, to stop babbling, to pay attention. I like to talk, so this is not always easy. But I love centering on the presence of God.
What’s saving your life lately?